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Introducing... What Would You Do With It? Wednesdays!

Thank you for stopping by today. I am going to *try* to start a regular weekly blog hop entitled: "What Would You Do With It? Wednesdays"

The purpose of this blog hop is to share ideas in regard to upcycling materials, especially geared towards projects that children can participate in. I was inspired to do this after I posted a few ideas about what to do with Markers that Don't Work. I am continually inspired by the creativity of all of you folks out there, and thought it might be fun to feature an item each week.

This week's item is liquid laundry detergent caps.

Please add your family-friendly link below to give us some more ideas on how to upcycle our liquid laundry detergent caps!

Here is what we did with some of ours:

We painted the caps to help us organize our crayons. They are the perfect height for crayons and for storing other small art supplies. (The Montessori Style Crayon organizer was inspired by this post from Mom's Crafty Space. We opted to upcycle the laundry detergent lids instead of the aluminum cans, but otherwise, we used the same directions.) We also have a few lids we are using to help organize some of our craft supplies that are not connected to a base.

Now, it is your turn.... What would you or do you do with liquid laundry detergent lids?

Here is the comment feed from Facebook:

Carroll Ann Swanson Attached to a board to organize beads by color. A letter or number on each one for spelling or number skills. Stacking/building. Molds for sand castles.


Life in Rehab said…
Hi! Thanks for popping by my blog and inviting me over! I'm huge into upcycling, so I'll keep watching to see if your theme works with any of the things I've done. Cute blog, by the way!
Deborah Stewart said…
What a cute idea - I don't have anything written on laundry caps but I do have a big collection of them. I will try to pull something together and then I will link to your blog hop!
CountryFunMaine said…
No picture or link to post for this idea - we use them for our painting cups. They are stable, good depth and easy to clean out.
Looking forward to more 'Wednesdays'

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