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Pounding Pumpkins

It's Fall here in Michigan, and the pumpkins are ripe!

 Fall pumpkins are perfect practice place for pounding.
The children have been using hammers and 
golf tees to dress up some of our pumpkins.

It takes a lot of practice to master pounding....

When we are first learning how to hold the hammer and the tees or nails, 
sometimes we use a clothespin to help us hold them in place. 
This is helpful when we are still working on our hand-eye coordination
 in order to keep our fingers safe.

Part of the joy of working with mixed ages is to watch the 
young children as they learn from observing the older children. 
This little guy picked up very quickly exactly what to do!
Although he didn't actually pound any tees in today, 
He was very quick to mimic the actions with the toy hammer and tees!

Perhaps tomorrow we will add some paint....
Perhaps we will opt to carve the pumpkins......
Perhaps we will pound some more tees......
Perhaps we'll use them as bowling balls.....
Or send the pumpkins flying with our giant catapult....

Maybe we will add it to the compost pile and watch it rot....
Maybe we'll cut it open and count the seeds....
Maybe we'll toast some pumpkin seeds for snack.....
Maybe we'll paint pumpkin seeds and use them in the art area....
Maybe we'll save some seeds to plant in the spring.....
Maybe we'll sprout some seeds in our indoor greenhouse.....

I guess we'll just have to see what child led discoveries tomorrow brings!


Urgh! I'm kicking myself for not thinking to do this before Halloween! But that's okay, we can pound lots of pumpkins well into Thanksgiving :) Thanks for the reminder.

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