For some early childhood professionals, the mention of the word "chemistry" or even "science" makes them cringe. Some shy away from these types of explorations because of the fear they hold in regard to the subject. Science really does not have to be scary. Through many of the training experiences I have provided, I have found that those who fear science can generally trace it back to the same common root cause.......... a former science teacher. This is a HUGE deal to those of us who work with young children. It means that our interactions with children can have a major impact on how children approach various subjects. That is why it is CRUCIAL to offer them early exploration activities that are memorable, fun, and give them the opportunity to really explore! ļ»æ Chemistry in our classroom usually consists of mixing things- most often vinegar and baking soda. Today, I put out a few pans of baking soda, a couple of cut up straws, pip...