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Showing posts from March, 2013

Preschool Chemistry: Fun with Vinegar and Baking Soda

For some early childhood professionals, the mention of the word "chemistry" or even "science" makes them cringe.  Some shy away from these types of explorations because of the fear they hold in regard to the subject.  Science really does not have to be scary.  Through many of the training experiences I have provided, I have found that those who fear science can generally trace it back to the same common root cause.......... a former science teacher.  This is a HUGE deal to those of us who work with young children. It means that our interactions with children can have a major impact on how children approach various subjects. That is why it is CRUCIAL to offer them early exploration activities that are memorable, fun, and give them the opportunity to really explore! ļ»æ Chemistry in our classroom usually consists of mixing things- most often vinegar and baking soda.  Today, I put out a few pans of baking soda, a couple of cut up straws, pip...

Homemade Play Dough

  I know I've posted our play dough recipe before, ( you can find it in this post from 2010 ).  With all of the recent requests for the recipe and the fact that we play with play dough often,  I thought I would share it with you again.     Today we made green play dough- a double batch. Here is the original single batch recipe:   1 c. flour 1/2 c. salt 1 c. water 1 Tbsp cooking oil 2 tsp cream of tartar 1-2 pkg Kool-Aid and/or drops of food coloring Mix all ingredients in a microwave save cooking dish. Cook on high in microwave for 3 minutes Remove from microwave, stir well. Cook for one minute, stir, repeat until the dough is no longer sticky. Remove from the dish- knead and remove any lumps. This dough can also be cooked on the stove-top. We prefer to make it in the microwave as it is much more difficult to burn and the children are more active participants in the process.   **please note, we have a new microwav...

Quality Matters

Quality Matters - But the Tiered Quailty Rating and Improvement System in Michigan   IS STILL HYPOCRISY.    Almost four months ago, I published a post declaring my concerns in regard to the system here in Michigan and asking you all to join me in advocacy.  It has been awhile since I took the time to share updates and to reiterate my concerns with the current program.    (If you missed my first post, you can read it here: Hypocrisy )    It appears that the decision makers in our state are starting to hear some of our voices. I say starting, because although they have made some changes to the self assessment survey, I think they missed the point.   Now, using the self assessment survey- I AM A 5!    Imagine my surprise! My program self assesses at the highest rating.   (Note, to actually be rated at this level, I would have to agree to undergo a validation of my information and another assessm...

Monday Memories

      Thanks for joining us on a picture journey- capturing a few memories from this past week!  

Upcycled Cap Murals: What Would You Do With It? Wednesday

      Awhile back, we worked on bottle cap murals. I was so excited about this idea after seeing it over at Art Grange.   We spent a lot of time playing with our collection of caps, making various creations. While we played with the caps, I also started to test out various options for glue.     The original murals used a screw to hold each individual cap down. I knew that some of our crew could assist with securing the caps, but thought that finding a good glue would make the project more child friendly and they could complete it in a faster time frame. In the end, I found that the tub and tile caulk/glue would work great for our outdoor murals. I tested it to see how it would hold- and I even left it out in the rain to make sure that it would hold up in the weather. What I forgot to test.... is the fact that we live in the U.P. of Michigan........ and it gets COLD- freezing COLD in the winter....     And...

Monday Memories

      Thanks for joining us on a picture journey- capturing a few memories from this past week!