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Thanking 13 in 2013

thanking title2013 is quickly coming to an end. Many folks are gearing up to spend more time offline and to celebrate with family.  I'll be logging off myself soon-- but wanted to take a moment to say some thanks to a few bloggers that have been going above and beyond to keep this page afloat- even with my crazy inconsistencies in posting!

The blogging world is ever evolving, and I'm always learning as I go.  I know that our little childcare blog continues to grow, and I am making some changes to keep it moving forward.  Thankfully, there is an amazing support network of bloggers out there who keep this page from being a stagnant place! It seems like whenever real life gets too hectic to keep new posts coming- someone jumps in and shares some of our archives to keep our blog traffic afloat! I cannot adequately express in words how grateful I am for your continued support!

And to our faithful readers- thank you so much for continuing to come back and to get a glimpse into our busy days!

Now- If you have never visited these sites-

thanking 13

Please share the love, hop on over and check them out! These are the sites that have highlighted our activities and/or caused people (maybe even you!) to find us in our little corner of cyberspace:

Teach Preschool


Kids Activities Blog

Let the Children Play

Growing a Jeweled Rose

Mini eco

Fantastic Fun and Learning

Hands On As We Grow

PreK and K Sharing

Childhood 101

Irresistible Ideas for Play Based Learning

Modern Parents Messy Kids

Living Montessori Now

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

I know that there are oodles of other sites and folks that rally around to spread the love and share. I do appreciate each and every one of you.  I wish you all an amazing finish to 2013, and I can't wait to see what 2014 will bring!

Oh, and if this list of inspiration leaves you wanting more- please hop on over and check out the Kid Blogger Network,  I can almost guarantee that you'll leave inspired!


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