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Our Luge : The 2014 Edition

2014 Luge


Yep, we're at it again-- another winter, another luge! This winter has been a challenge. It has been long, and super cold! (Even for "Yooper" Standards). In some areas of the world they call this time of year "spring." Around here, well... It is still snowing! (And I'm not pulling an April Fool's!)

We do what we can to make the best of it, and Mr. Allan never ceases to amaze us with his backyard luge building skills! (You can read about and see video footage from previous winters here: 2013, 2012).


2014 Luge 1

This year's track has especially high walls- and due to the extreme temperature differences it is also quite fast!

2014 Luge 2

The children don't seem to mind the cooler temperatures

when they are flying down the hill!

2014 Luge 3


It has been quite a winter!

snow maze

We have paths or a "snow maze" to make getting around a little bit easier....

snow piles.....And we have MOUNTAINS of snow piled up in the yard! (If you look closely, you will see the shelving unit from our Mud Pie Kitchen- yes, the fence is 6 feet tall, and the snow is that deep!)

When spring does finally arrive, I bet we are going to have some pretty amazing mud puddles!!!! What is the weather like in your corner of the world right now? How have you been outside playing?


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