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This hop was the brain child of Katie over at Preschool Inspirations. One of my favorite things to do when I am on the road presenting is to have time to visit other programs. I learn so much from the little touches and individuality of each place! It is fantastic to see how different people organize supplies and set up their learning spaces. So, of course I wanted in on the action when Katie mentioned the idea of a virtual tour, a blog hop of classrooms.... of course I said "YES!"
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I've been working to pull together some updated information about our space to share.... Please remember that we are a work in progress and our space is quite dynamic with many changes currently in progress. (There are seriously NEVER enough hours in a day!) I thought I would remind you of some of our somewhat static features in addition to adding a few photos of areas I have not yet blogged about.
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A few things about our program if this is your first time visiting the blog. We are a home based childcare program, licensed in the state of Michigan as a group home. This means that we are able to care for up to twelve children at any given time. Our license allows us to care for children from birth to aged 12. The range of children varies-- as many of the children start with us at an early age and remain a part of our program even after they head off to school. We operate Monday -Friday from 6 am until 6 pm. Our program focuses on a play based emergent curriculum with plenty of time spent outdoors in our ever growing outdoor classroom! Our primary caregivers consist of myself (Ms. Amy) and my husband (Mr. Allan). So... remember, at the end of the day-- This is our home!
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Here are a few photos I took this past weekend of areas of our yard I have not shared much about.... and changes in progress:
Our outdoor chalkboard strips were recently repainted as the original blue paint was quite weathered and worn out! They are now a charcoal grey. Click on the photo for the original post.
After visiting the Roseville Community Preschool and attending the Good Stuff for Kids Conference, I decided to "Bosify" the outdoor classroom. I decided to paint the strips opposite the chalkboard strips with some colors and add inspiring quotes to the space. In all honesty-- I have a number of the strips painted, but this is the only one that is complete with a quote. We will get there eventually, and for your reference the Good Stuff for Kids Conference is probably one of the most amazing conferences that I have ever been to!
We also have a number of raised bed gardens in our outdoor space. We made them with cinder blocks. The children are great caretakers of the garden beds, and they love to help harvest the fresh fruits and vegetables. I don't have any photos of our most recent additions-- 5 fruit trees that were planted this summer to include peaches, pears, apples, cherries, and plums! We look forward to many bountiful harvests!
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We have a number of other works in progress in the yard at the moment....
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We also had two of our other bushes pruned to open them up for cozy hideaways underneath. One of them is complete with cedar wood chips and the other will be finished this week when the wood chips are added.
If you are looking for more information about our outdoor classroom and the journey we have been undertaking, feel free to search the archives as there are many posts in regard to the spaces we have been working to create!
Now-- Let's head on inside for a few photos.... Most of these photos explain themselves.....
The first thing you see when you come through the door are the children's cubbies:
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We have a number of pets in our classroom too..... a dog named Scooby, a bearded dragon named Jake, a turtle named Bowser and a veiled chameleon named Cameron. Scooby spends most of her time upstairs or on the stairs overlooking the classroom. The other critters have habitats scattered throughout the space. We also have a rather large (20 long) aquarium for our feeder crickets and a big meal worm farm. All of our reptiles eat crickets and worms daily.
Here are a few other highlights from our space-- the pictures somewhat speak for themselves:
You may also be interested in the previous posts: A tinkering place and Create an Art Station
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Well-- that gives you at least a glimpse into our learning space. (I know there is more to share, but I'll save some of that for later!) Thank you for joining us on our online virtual tour-- Now, hop on over and check out a few other classrooms who have opened their doors to you today too:
Classroom Tour Blog Hop Environments:
Katie at Preschool Inspirations
Jamie at Play to Learn Preschool
Darla at The Preschool Toolbox
Sheryl at Teaching 2 and 3 Year Olds
Amy at Child Central Station (that's me!)
Mary Catherine at Fun-A-Day
Deborah at Teach Preschool
I know I've been away from the blog for months. Life keeps happening, and as much as I love to share things with you here, I am many things before I am a blogger. One must have priorities! I thought about giving up on blogging completely, but have opted to keep the blog live and to get here now and again when I can .....even if that means I am not posting regularly. Until next time.... Hopefully sooner rather than later ~Amy
YannGarPhoto (Where are the stats??) via photopin cc