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Crafting and Tumbling.....

I've been using Tumblr to help me keep track of some of the great ideas I find online. You can check out my Tumblr page here:

I have one more big project to finish for my class, otherwise life is starting to slow down enough to blog again :).

Here are a few photos of some of our recent art/craft endeavors.....

Dane is super excited about being in the Wolf Pack for Cub Scouts. We decided to make a wolf t-shirt. I found a wolf pattern on one of the boy scout sites, enlarged it and made a plastic stencil. After I used silver paint with the stencil, Dane colored it in with fabric markers.

Then we Tie Dyed the shirt with all kinds of great colors....

I finished it off with a second coat of sliver paint and Dane added another coat of fabric marker.

We also put his name on the back:

Wintery weather has started to arrive, and I needed to whip up a couple of new pairs of mittens! Dane's new coat is orange, gray, and black....

I've been itching to try out some of the felt food patterns I found online awhile back..... I made a couple of things, but hope that I will find/make time for a lot more soon! I'd love to replace our plastic food in the play kitchen with wooden and fabric food instead. Here is the start:

I decided that my little cook's cannot be without a chef's hat.... So, I whipped up one of those too. I looked at a few tutorials, but ended up making my own pattern:

I have a few other projects for the sewing machine, but Dane has taken over my sewing machine! He wanted to learn how to sew, and he picked it up quickly! His first project was a dinosaur pillow case:

He decided that he likes free form sewing better and opted to make a piece of felt pizza:

There will be plenty of time for learning how to cut and follow patterns, and I know he will learn all kinds of techniques as he works and explores on his own!

I have a few more things to share, but I'll save some for later this week!


Ticia said…
I'm itching to make felt food too. My first few attempts didn't turn out too well......

Totally going to head over and follow you on Tumblr now. I need to check back in on there more often.
Ticia- I'm following you back over there now :). I'm loving having a photo archive of my bookmarks. It does take some time to move them from other places though :).
Kristy... said…
I LOVE the felt food... you SO should put them on alligator clips and sell them as hair bows on etsy... or sell them as is, so I can buy some and put them on clips myself... SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute!
Sofia's Ideas said…
Felt food! Working on some with the kids this week..

I'm now following you through the Monday "Cornucopia of Blog Hops". I hope you'll do the same! You can find me @

Sofia's Ideas
Anonymous said…
Oh my goodness you have been busy! Those are great. I love the food that you made, so cute! But that wolf t-shirt is amazing. I have a feeling other little boys in the pack are going to want one...hope you are prepared to take orders!
@ Kristy - thanks! Perhaps someday I will sell my stuff on etsy. I don't really have the time to make more than what I want for myself most of the time.

I am starting to understand the felt food "addiction." Sofie- you'll have a blast with it!

Abbie- thanks. Dane LOVES the shirt too. We saved the stencil, so rather than taking orders, if the boys want them.... We can make them with them too.

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