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What Would You Do With It Wednesday? #8 Corks

Welcome to this week's edition of What Would You Do With It? Wednesday! This week's item is..... CORKS!

We haven't done a whole lot with corks... other than painting with them. So, I am looking for some great new ideas and inspiration! (We have a HUGE box full of corks from when my husband was a bartender.)

Here are a couple of photos of a sweatshirt Dane and I made for our friend CA. We used corks to paint part of it:

Now it's your turn!!! What Would You Do With Them?

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jwg said…
1. Put a bunch of them in the housekeeping area to be used as food.They can be poured and ladled.
2. Hot glue them to interesting pieces of foam,sponge or rubber for handles so that toddlers can have a handle to help them stamp and print.
3. Put some in the science area, including some cut in pieces, to be examined under a magnifying glass.
4. Let the older kids glue feathers, googly eyes, scraps of fabric and paper and beads and sequins to them to make people. You could make a dollhouse family or silly animals.
Dawn said…
Corks are great for water play ... they float like little boats ... we have made cork boats and used them in the water table.... they are also great if you freeze them in colored water and then let the children do a sort of "dig" in the ice with small mallet hammers to "recover" the frozen treasures (corks, buttons, pom poms, etc..)
They can be used for sorting, and the older children can use clay, and corks to create sculptures. Corks are great for tucking into small pouches to be discovered when they are unbuttoned, unzipped, etc...

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