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Blog Awards!

I'm a bit behind in checking back on comments and blog reading in general. Honestly, there just are not enough hours in the day! While I was on vacation, Deborah from Teach Preschool awarded me a Versatile Blogger Award, then last week, Michelle Willow over at This and that About Kids graciously awarded me with a Stylish Blogger Award.

Thank you Deborah! If you have not been over to Deborah's blog, it is a must read! Also, she does an amazing job of finding ideas from all around the web and shares them on Facebook and Twitter. Hop on over and check it out!

Thank you Michelle! If you have not been over to see this great blog, you need to take a moment to check it out. Michelle lives in Croatia and she has some amazing ideas!

Now, to follow the rules for acceptance:

1) Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award.

2) Share 7 things about yourself

3) Award 15 recently discovered great blogs/bloggers (The Versatile Blogger guideline was different the first time I received it so feel free to choose 10 or 15)

4) Contact the bloggers to tell them about the award

I have shared 7 things previously when I received a different blog award from Abbie at Greening Sam and Avery in this post. To avoid redundancy, I am choosing to share 7 different things here.

1) I am the oldest of 5 children

2) I met my husband when I was an exchange student in Denmark

3) I love to travel

4) I typically sleep about 6 hours a night, but often take an afternoon nap

5) I am a volunteer board member for the Upper Peninsula Early Childhood Conference Committee. Our annual conference is coming up in April, you can find details here.

6) I enjoy arts and craft projects.

7) I don't think that I could ever live somewhere away from a large body of water.

And now, to pass these blog awards along... (This is by far the most difficult part of all... narrowing it down to 30 blogs!) I have decided to take the term "recent" out of the equation, although it is a relative term. I have also determined that I would not award this any blog I have previously awarded. (You can see my previous blog award post here, and find another list of 15 blogs). As a recipient, feel free to choose which award you prefer :) Here they are in no particular order:

1) Greening Sam and Avery
2) Little Illuminations
3) All Things Beautiful
4) The Magic Onions
5) Chasing the Seasons
6) Kindling
7) Little Preschool on the Prairie
8) Earthplay
9) Worms Eye-View
10) Harrigan Howdy
11) Mini-Eco
12) The Amazing Mess
13) Little Learners Lounge
14) Getting Messy with Ms. Jessi
15) Chasing Cheerios
16) Two Chicks and a Hen
17) I can teach my child!
18) Kozy Kids Family Daycare
19) Joyful Learner
20) Look at my happy rainbow!
21) The Imagination Tree
22) No Time for Flashcards
23) Tired, Need Sleep
24) Journey Into Unschooling
25) Time for Play
26) Sofia's Ideas
27) Meet the Dubiens
28) Confessions of a Homeschooler
29) Rockabye Butterfly
30) Views from My Window

Also, if you notice, I follow nearly 200 blogs now! I know I don't have an opportunity to read them all every day. I try to peruse the updates and when I find myself with "spare" time I catch up on some reading. I wouldn't follow a blog if I didn't find it valuable in some way, so if you are looking for some more GREAT reads, check out the list on the right! (It only shows 10 of the most recently posted blogs unless you click at the bottom of the list where you will be able to view all!)

Now, to find/make the time to let you all know I passed these awards along........


Dawn said…
thanks for including me Amy .... i feel so .... honored and grateful....
light and peace
Tonya Hache said…
Thank You!! :))

~ Rockabye Butterfly ~
themagiconions said…
I'm so honored that you'd pass this on to me... thank you so much. I totally adore your hair in your profile photo... you are a rainbow!
Blessings and magic,
Anonymous said…
Yeah! Since I already have the Versatile award I think I will claim the Stylish Blogger Award. I have always wanted to be stylish!!
Thanks so much. That is an incredible list.
Phyllis said…
Thank you so much. It made my day!
Kara said…
Thank you so much! You made my day!
Deborah said…
I think you listed a few I am not familiar with!!
Unknown said…
Thank-you so much Amy!
You are all VERY welcome :). Thank you for sharing and inspiring! And @ Deborah- I think the best thing about giving and receiving these awards is finding all of the other great blogs and writers out there!
Time For Play said…
Thank you so very much! How sweet and much appreciated!
amida said…
Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by!
Scrappycook said…
Thank you for the award - very kind of you and it made my day today!
Thanks, Amy. :) What a sweet award. Have a wonderful weekend!
Thank you so much - I am very, very honored. :) Loved reading the 7 things about you; oh how I wish I could get by on 6 hours of sleep (and a nap!). :) Congratulations to you for receiving this award too - you definitely deserve it!
Unknown said…
Thank you! What an honor! :)
Thank you so much, it was very nice of you to think of me! Erica
Michelle said…
Thank you so much for the award!! It really made my day!!
Joyful Learner said…
Thank you!! I agree with #7, I don't think I could live anywhere away from a body of water but I've never tried.

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