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The Versatile Blogger Award

I've been awarded the versatile blogger award from some amazing colleagues over the past couple of weeks! I am honored to have been selected by Leanne A from Kreative Resources AND Ayn over at Little Illuminations! What a great way to be recognized during a blogging break (which although I'm blogging today, I wouldn't anticipate my "normal" flow of posts yet for another couple of weeks!)

For me, the best things about blogging awards is that fellow bloggers often recommend blogs that I've never run across, and it provides a great web of inspiration!  Here are the guidelines for the award:

1. Thank the person who nominated you.
2. Share 7 things about yourself
3. Pass the award on to 10 other bloggers.
4. Contact the other bloggers to let them know they have been nominated.

I add my own personal guideline, and that is.... I NEVER award the same blog more than once! That way, I can share the love and link up previous award nominations to give you oodles of other sources of information!!!! 

So, first. Honestly, if you have not been over to visit Kreative Resources and Little Illuminations take a few moments and pop on over. Leanne and Ayn are great sources of inspiration.  A big THANK YOU to both of these ladies for nominating me.

Seven things about me...... 

1) I have a "new" job. In addition to Child Central Station- the home daycare I run with my husband, I am now providing training sessions for other childcare providers in many of the counties in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. I still consider this job/opportunity new as I have only been at it a few months. It has been wonderful to get out and meet other early childhood educators in the "local" area. 

2) I am in the midst of completing my final course for my master's degree in Training, Development, and Performance Improvement. (I completed two master's level certificates in May of 2010, but have been taking one course at at time to complete the research core and project for the full degree).
3) I used to be, still am a, clown. 

4) I don't usually let much stand in my way. Some people might call this stubborn, other determination. You take your pick. If there is a will, there is a way, and if I am passionate enough about something, I'll find that way! In the same token, I don't like to impose limits on other folks be they children or "blown ups." Sometimes this drives my husband nuts.... with the well, "how are you going to do that?" "What do you think you need?" "How can we remove that barrier?"
5) I love to create. I am one of those adults who raises their hands when someone asks for artists and I encourage and engage adults in trying to find their inner artist too. I'm always trying to figure out how I can replicate things myself, trying new tools, and mastering others that I have been using for quite some time. Right now, one of my big projects is a sloth bear costume for Dane this Halloween! Last year, it was a cowboy alligator. Sometimes I have a pattern, and sometimes just a vision.... 

6) I LOVE a good mess! One of my favorite things to do with the children is to give them sensory experiences to make a good mess! Slimes, goops, MUD... you name it, I'm game! Sensory experiences are so soothing, and engaging! I can't wait to try the syrup and sand as recommended by Explorations Early Learning! 

7) I sell educational toys. Being that we live in a rural area, sometimes it is difficult to find unique, high quality educational materials. So, after opening our childcare, I decided to open a small educational toy store as a part of the daycare. It works out well, as parents often want to purchase some of the same materials we have for use at home. Eventually, when I think it is a high enough priority, we will have a fully functional web store.

So, here are the links to my previous blog awards. Please hop on over and check them out... as I am not going to award any of those bloggers today! 

A Blog Award

Blog Awards!

The best part of these award is finding the new inspiration, the worst part is that you can only choose a few to share each time, so please note that I have a blog roll that includes well over 500 blogs! I wouldn't follow a blog if I did not find it valuable in some way, so if you are looking for more inspiration hop on down to the blog roll at the bottom of this page ;). 

Today, I am going to give you a list of 20 in no particular order, being that I was nominated twice. 

1. Time for Play

2. Leptir Montessori Blog

3. Males in Early Childhood Education

4. Jeff's Blog

5. Flights of Whimsy

6. Nurture Store

7. Picklebums

8. The Chocolate Muffin Tree

9. Tinker Lab

10. Zella Said Purple

11. Adventures at Play

12. Casa Maria's Creative Learning Zone

13. Dilly-Dali Art

14. Hands on As We Grow

15. Fairy Dust Teaching

16. Learning for Life

17. Littlest Bird Studio

18. Mama Pea Pod

19. Messy Kids

20. Play Counts!

REMEMBER- there are oodles of other blogs out there that I haven't mentioned YET! Feel free to peruse the blog roll for more inspiration and/or let me know about other great blogs you follow (or write!)

Have a fabulous weekend!


Thanks so much! I didn't know about your blog.
I think you are doing amazing job here :-)
I'm your new follower!

Greetings from Croatia :*

Time For Play said…
Ohhh...thank you! You are an inspiration. I LOVE what you do or and with your group of kiddos! Thank you again!
Oh thank you Amy! I'm thrilled you thought of NurtureStore and delighted to be in such great company. :)
Hi Amy! As you know, I'm also a huge fan of your work, and I loved getting to know more about you here. I already knew that you like a good mess -- that story rings loudly through your posts! -- but I didn't know you're a clown (although I could have guessed with your big wig collection) or that you sell toys. Thanks very much for the mention. It's lovely to be included with these other wonderful blogs.
Unknown said…
I tried melting crayon with a hairdryer over the weekend! Here's what we did: thanks for the idea!

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