This post is inspired by Everyartist Live!, a national, collaborative art event with the goal of engaging a million elementary school children on November 21, 2013 ā the largest art event in history. Want to get involved? Join us in our efforts to show that #creativitymatters. Sign up at . Around here, we seriously LOVE paint. We go through gallons and gallons of it. Sometimes we buy it, and sometimes we make it. I know I have writte n a little about paint before , and I have a fabulous Pinterest Board . However, today I thought I would give you an AMAZING list of 101 Tools that you can use with paint so that painting never gets boring! Thank you to all of the wonderful bloggers in the Preschool Plus Blogger Network and the Kid's Blogger Network for their willingness to share and contribute to this round-up! Please note that all 101 ideas are linked to a blog post. Simply click on the item (even if there is not a photo featured) and you will be d...