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Big Green Booger

I'm always on the look out for inspiration. Working from home is a blessing, but also a curse. Although I absolutely love working with my husband and spending time at home, I don't have a handful of colleagues to bounce ideas off of or to problem solve issues with.... or to have a lot of new ideas coming from......  So what is a girl to do?

I'm pretty fortunate to have a group of other local providers who I stay quite connected with, and I am also truly grateful for the many friends and colleagues I have found via the web and social networking. (Some of which I have had the pleasure to meet in person... others that I am sure I will meet 'someday'). They help keep me sane, and by sharing what they are learning and doing, I have a constant source of inspiration!

Okay....  So, you're probably thinking.....  what does this have to do with BIG GREEN BOOGERS? The other day I was browsing through my feed of wonderful early childhood pages and posts... when I saw ONE OF THE MOST AMAZING THINGS! .... It was this photo of 3 children.. inside a big ol' red stretchy thing-a-ma-giggy.... I had no idea what to call it..... but I knew instantly that I HAD to have one!

See.... This is the photo I saw... Can you imagine... I knew instantly. I needed to have one!

Fortunately, the awesomeness I saw came from a post at Community Play School and I happen to be good friends with the founder, Courtney Gardner! So, a quick message to ask her about the photo and how exactly to acquire one of these things..... a tap of my phone log into Amazon Prime(affiliate link)...  I looked at a couple of options, and decided to order one just a bit bigger than what I saw in the photo (perhaps... the red color is a smaller version from this company)... and 2 days later... Viola!!!! We now have our very own.... GIANT GREEN BOOGER!

Well, technically, it is not a booger. If you are looking to get one for yourself... It is called a body sock. The green one instantly became "The giant green booger" because of it's color and one child deemed it so and so it stuck. The children have enjoyed pretending to be a booger moving across the floor! There were lots of giggles........ and some of the children took turns being "The Booger Queen" when they were using it solo!

Are you as impressed as I was?? Is the sheer awesomeness of the play with a "giant green booger" urging you to get one for your program? If so, I've made it even easier... you don't even have to search on Amazon! I have provided you with an affiliate link!

And.... if you are even more like me and after spending just a few hours playing


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