If your children are anything like ours, they LOVE to build! We have a new product that has the children spending hours, visiting and revisiting their creations..... Magnatiles! (Magnatiles are made by Valtech,
The children will build with anything and everything, but what is especially appealing about these tiles is that there are small magnets inside of them which allows you to build some great structures that would be much more difficult to build without the magnetic force.
I know these are relatively new to our place, but it has been nearly impossible to keep them put away :). I'm sure they are soon going to rank up with the Legos and Megablocks that we have literally thousands of photos of! I will continue to update the photo gallery below with our creations.
Some of the younger children, one in particular has been working only with the squares. She keeps lining them up to make larger squares or rectangles on the floor, making a paved path.
Many of the other children have been working to build houses and apartments for their "aliens." We have had entire city skylines in the playroom, integrating a variety of other toys and puppets into the mix.
Some of the children have figured out how to build boxes and pyramids. They have been working on spatial concepts and have found out that by putting together some triangles, they have been able to make squares, and that sometimes, you need to turn the triangles to make them fit together.
Right now, we have been exploring them with whatever direction the children take. In a few weeks, we plan to make a light table. It will be interesting to see how their play and structures will evolve with the added element of light and color exploration.