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Wordless Wednesday.....

Okay, I can't resist... a few words. Fall just isn't fall without a giant leaf pile. Our yard simply does not collect enough leaves to make this possible. Fortunately, we live near a great city park. We have learned to bring our own rake to collect a giant pile. It is very possible to collect a pile without a rake. (We have done it many times by grabbing handfuls and kicking the leaves, but a rake makes it much easier). This has become one of our fall traditions, and who can resist a giant pile of leaves for jumping!


Anonymous said…
My daughter is obsessed with playing in the leaves right now and according to her preschool teacher she instigates this play everytime they go outside at school! Love the pictures.
Karen Nemeth said…
Flashback! My dad used to rake all the leaves into big piles on an old sheet then bundle them up and drag them back to the compost. But he always gave us a chance to jump in and destroy the pile and so we had to start all over again. My neighbor even had a rope swing tied to a tree branch and they raked their leaf pile so all the kids could swing out and land in the leaves! Thanks for the memories!
Cassandra said…
Great Blog!
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