Repurposing "garbage" into arts and crafts has been something that I have done as long as I can remember. I am rubbing off on my eight year old son. His creativity an ingenuity never ceases to amaze me. I wonder what we could make out of this? Wait! Don't Throw that Away! I can make a car with that, wouldn't this make a great airplane? I love how imaginative and playful he is! It has been a great year creating together.
As this year is coming to a close, I thought I would take a look at the most popular posts on this blog this year. I still feel like a "newbee" to the blog world, having posted for about seven months now. I am starting to get the hang of things when I have the time to do so! According to whatever the popular post gadget uses to determine popularity- my top 3 posts were all about using old markers! How Cool is that!
Top Post #1: The Markers Don't Work!
Top Post #2: A Few Ideas With Marker Caps (as promised)
Top Post #3: What Could It Be? (I promise this is the last post on markers for now)
Here's to a new year of reusing and repurposing.......
Remember to face each day with artist's eyes and harness the potential all around you!