In our family home daycare, we do not have a television in the main areas where children are present. We do have a room licensed where there is a t.v., but we don't use that type of media on a regular basis in our program. (Perhaps we have utilized that option twice in the last year.) In my opinion, children spend enough time in front of the screen outside of our care. (We do however allow and encourage children to utilize computers and other forms of technology on a semi-regular basis.)
I find it quite interesting how much of the technology children absorb and create even in its absence. Take today as another example. A group of four-year-olds decided to make their own i-phones and i-pods out of Magnatiles.
Technology is definitely having a HUGE impact on young children today.
My daughter is constantly talking on her phone.
I much prefer my kids to enjoy creativity, and imaginative play when they are with me, then to watch t.v. Last year we did watch 2 movies brought by a child, but really the children soon lose interest, and go back to play. I feel so fortunate to be a daily witness to all this creativity and imagination in my children.