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What Would You Do With It Wednesday..... Magazines

Welcome to this week's edition of What Would You Do With It? Wednesday. This week we are featuring magazines! (I decided to jump all of the items I was behind and go to the scheduled item for the week. Don't worry, at the end, I'll go back to all of those things I missed!)

We did a HUGE project with magazines that took us about 3 years. We created our own wallpaper:
The children helped us find and cut out food from the magazine advertisements. We collaged them together to fill the walls of our kitchen. I had the idea for years, but was never able to put it into the works... until we moved here! We had a lot of fun, but at times it was a lot of work too! You can see a post with more photos here. Most people have a hard time believing that it is not real wallpaper.

We made these great maracas. The handles are made by rolling magazine pages and duct taping over that page roll. (We used paper mache on water balloons to make the top.) The children loved having their own maracas.

We made paper beads like these ones in Family Fun Magazine.  We rolled ours on straws to make the wholes a bit bigger and easier to thread. 

For the full list of previously posted items and upcoming challenges, visit the What Would You Do With It? Wednesdays Page. (I don't know how accurate this is going to be for the future, but there is a great big list of things to try to reuse!)

On to this week's link up! Magazines- It's your turn!

Do you have a great idea or post that you can share using Magazines? If so, please join in linking up!

Here are the rules:

1) The post MUST use magazines

2) The post MUST be family friendly.

There are no other requirements. If you would like, I would love if you linked back to his linky party, but it is not required. I would hope that you will investigate the links shared and visit some of the  other blogs, but I'm not imposing any "blog hop/linky" rules.  Please, if  you do find great ideas and photos... Give credit where  credit is due  :).

If you have been featured and feel inclined, my featured button is available to grab from the sidebar. Next week I will be looking for ideas to recycle milk jugs!


I made wallpaper with magazines when I was in high school - I made a border around my entire bedroom and also filled an entire wall. Mostly with words if I remember right. I had a blast doing it :)

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