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When All Else Fails, Just Add Water!

We talk about the weather around here a lot. It of course, impacts the way we do things and it changes a lot. They have a saying here in the U.P. (Upper Peninsula) of Michigan, "If you don't like the weather... wait five minutes, it will change."  Over our long weekend, we have intermittent thunder storms and rain. Today, it is 85, hot and muggy, with a prediction that tomorrow's high will be 62. When it comes to predicting the weather, your guess is as good as any, and be prepared for rapid changes.

We don't tend to let the weather get in our way.  When it snows, we pile on the clothes, when it gets hot we wear less. When it rains, we stomp in the puddles.... and when we have a nice hot day, we just add water! The children were a bit on the cranky side with the heat and humidity, until the hose came out!
Buckets of water for splashing and carrying....
A sprinkle of water to run through to cool off, and then a nice pile of cool mud in the mud pie kitchen :).

Pails of water to run down the sand and water wall......

(I didn't get any photos as we ran through the sprinkler or when we "made rain".... I was too busy manning the hose!)
A nice wet "water slide", a few buckets poured over our own heads..... 
and at last, we were comfortable again!

Back at play with our moveable parts...
Who knows what tomorrow will bring...... 


Mama Gone Green said…
I am jealous! I am ready for some warm weather here!!

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