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2013 MiAEYC

I had a wonderful time at the MiAEYC Conference in Grand Rapids this weekend. I really enjoyed connecting with so many of you at my workshop and the learning fair for the Super Science Extravaganza! You can find my free handouts through my training page here.  The handouts are free for everyone- so even if you were not in Grand Rapids please feel free to hop on over and download them! (The tutorials for the bottle rockets and pvc pipe rockets will be posted here on the blog this week- so please check back or sign up to follow our blog via email! You can do this by adding your email address to the box in the right hand column where it says follow by email.) 

I love to share all of the fun things we are doing-- AND to reconnect and connect with fellow early childhood professionals:

It was fantastic to reconnect with Daniel J. Hodgins. Dan is an AMAZING speaker, if you have the opportunity to see him- GO! It is worth the drive and the time, no matter what the distance. He reminded us all that there are many things that we just need to GET OVER IT! 

And as an added bonus--- I had the opportunity to run into Debbie Clement from Rainbows Within Reach! How cool is that!!!!! She also spearheaded the collaborative blog PreKandK Sharing where I write a monthly contribution on the 30th. We have spent a lot of time connecting in the virtual world- it was fabulous to connect in the real world too!


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