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What Would You Do With It? Wednesday PVC Pipe!

Awhile back- I was inspired by a book by Jeff and Tasha Johnson called
 Do It Yourself Early Learning. 

In the book are a number of fantastic ideas of what you can do with pvc pipe. The majority of the things featured in this round up use 1/2" pipe. You can use different sizes, but this was the size we opted to use for our pvc pipe building set

Of course, the children use the set to build all sorts of things- from marble runs to shapes and letters. They also use the pieces to build forts. I have used a few pieces to make room/section dividers when it was requested to split spaces.

Through trial and error- the children discovered that 1/2" pvc pipe is the perfect compliment to pool noodles.

Inspiration in Family Fun Magazine a few years back led to these rackets.

Jeff and Tasha's book let to a very simple bike wash- and hours of fun! 

pvc also makes a great frame for pendulums for painting with-

And to add a wrecking ball pendulum to the block area.

We also used them to create a puppet stage!

 We used some to create our giant paint brushes.

To make the hoop house for our square foot garden.

To create our own sensory tables. (This uses 1 1/4" pvc pipe)

And, our homemade rocket launchers (inspired from Family Fun Magazine) use pvc pipe.

If you remember in our last edition of What Would You Do With It? Wednesdays, we made some AWESOME Cap Murals! Learn with Play at Home linked up a great Play Shop using caps! I love all of the learning going on there! Hop on over and check it out!

Now, on to this week's linky party!

What Would You Do With It? Wednesday is a linky where you can link your ideas to help us reuse "trash",  recyclable materials, or inexpensive materials  that some folks might throw out or send to the recycling center. This linky happens every first and third Wednesday of the month.

Unlike some link up, there are only 2 rules:

1) Your post must use the item featured.

2) Your post must be family friendly.

You don't have to follow or make any comments. (Although, who doesn't love having a new follower or to see comments on their blog??? ) You are more than welcome to, but not required.

The posts and blog hop links are open for an extended period of time (at least year). So, you can look at older posts and link up your projects and ideas to any week at any time.

By linking up you agree to the use of one photo from your post to be featured in the future.
Thanks for joining in- and happy linking!


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