We started our stepping stones, and will continue to work on those until all of the children have had an opportunity to made one.
We painted a bunch of rocks with bright colors (I forgot to charge the camera and we really didn't get very many photos while we were painting)
We spruced up the laundry soap bottle butterflies from last year, adding some new paint and "decorations."
We moved one of the plants from the backyard to the front, and added a few of Ms. Amy's metal art projects.
Then today..... We added some painted lids!
Some of the lids were made with an art spinner. We had to adjust it a little bit to make it work with the large plastic lids we had to use. (We put a sponge in the spinner and attached the lid with duct tape). This made for a super messy super fun project!
The rest of the lids were painted with brushes:
We had so much messy fun, even Ms. Amy's legs were spattered from the spinner!