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Creating an Outdoor Classroom (with linky)

Our Mud Pie Kitchen

Our outdoor play space has been undergoing some major changes in the last year. We have been trying to transition our yard into an outdoor classroom, providing more natural materials and areas to help stimulate various types of play and more child centered learning.  I am, by far, not an expert in this field, but I continue to learn and be inspired on a daily basis.  In a couple of weeks, I will be sharing my story, my inspiration, and continued plans at an upcoming early childhood conference.

 Our outdoor music area

I have found the blogging world to be a HUGE source of inspiration, and I can't thank all of you out there enough! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I want to give a couple of shout outs to Jenny at Let the Children Play, Juliet over at I'm a Teacher Get me OUTSIDE here! , Paige over at Playscapes,  and Teacher Tom for not only sharing their own ideas, but also for passing on the ideas of others that have helped us to make some changes in our play environment.

 The easel on our fence.

I have been collecting all kinds of ideas on Tumblr, and we have all kinds of plans for additional elements and changes to make to our play space.  I would love to gain more inspiration, so.... I am asking you all for help! If you have or know of some great outdoor classroom inspiration (especially in photographs....)  please link them up below! I'm going to keep this linky open indefinitely. Feel free to come back and link up often! (I know it will take me a while to link up all of the ideas I have saved, but I think putting together this list will be a great resource for us all!)

 Our "stage" curtains.

The guidelines for the linky are: 1) Must be family friendly 2) Must be activities, structures, areas, etc to promote outdoor learning/play  Thanks in advance for your help! If you would like, you are more than welcome to add the linky code to your blog as well. The more the merrier!


Unknown said…
What a great idea! I love to see what others are doing! We're in the very beginning stages of making some changes to our outdoor learning area, and need all the inspiration we can get! :)
What wonderful pictures, it's just possible to feel the pleasure of fresh air, and the warmth of the sun in these children!
What a creative happy outdoor play space, It brings to mind the play outdoors I enjoyed outside all day in the neighbourhood as a child in the 1950's. Very wonderful ideas!
Laurie said…
I love this link up!

I am a new "follower", but I have followed your blog for a long time. Great stuff.

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