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A Smorgasbord of Updates!

We've been busy. I try to share a glimpse of what is going on regularly, but sometimes it seems like there is just so much more to share! Tonight, I'm going to give you a few quick photo updates!

We are still going full force with our fort building. The children have been working hard on their indoor forts, but have also begun to work on plans for some outdoor building. The prospect of spring being right around the corner does not look good. We have a five day forecast that includes wintry mixes and chances of snow.

We had a lot of fun playing with our food again. We "painted" our waffles with a few drops of food coloring added to water. (Make sure to use new, clean paint brushes.)

 Dane had a great time at the pinewood derby. His car "kept coming in fourth" (of four cars in the wolf division.) He was so excited to have a cool car and to receive a participation medal. He still isn't interested in making a car to win, he is much more interested in coming up with unique designs :).

 Our plants are growing like crazy! We will probably have to transplant again, AND if the weather continues to bring us cold and snow... We might just have an indoor harvest for some of our plants!

Dane's artist wall canvas has now become a "community project" as he has invited some of his friends to share in the artist renderings on the wall. it is still a large mural work in progress, but he is loving the opportunity to write on the walls and have such a HUGE canvas.

The homemade chalkboard paint has been a HUGE success both indoors on the back of the shelf and outdoors on our fence.
I know there are oodles of other updates I could give, so if there is something you are curious about, drop me a comment and I'll see what I can do to fill you in!

(Oh, check out the outdoor classroom inspiration page too! There are over 50 link there (and growing!))

The next couple of weeks are going to be quite busy, so if you don't see me here as often, know that I'll pop back in when I have the time!


We've been talking about adding some chalkboard paint to our home soon - and I'm so glad to see that it worked for you!!

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