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What Would You Do With It? Wednesdays: CDs/DVDs

Welcome to this week's edition of What Would You Do With It? Wednesday. This week we are featuring CDs/DVDs. For awhile it seemed like the number of junk mail CDs was enormous! Do you remember all of the trial software that used to come on CD? We have a stack of old CDs that are just ready and waiting for some creative ideas!

Isn't this Sparkly Kids' Craft from over at 805moms awesome! We have made CD fish before, but for some reason, we have never thought to decorate them with more sparkles! 
Stringing them together makes a great Sun catcher/Whirli-gig, from  I know that the children will love putting a few of these together for our front porch this year. also has a tutorial for these fun glimmering flowers!  I'm always game for fun flower crafts to add to our outdoor rock garden.  For some reason, I am an excellent vegetable gardener, but when it comes to flowers, I have a hard time keeping them alive!

Casa Maria shared this wonderful Salad Spinner Art using CDs on Facebook. They used acrylic paints and glitter.
Last week's challenge was to use wine corks. I'm still looking for some ideas! If you have one, hop on over and link up!

For the full list of previously posted items and upcoming challenges, visit the What Would You Do With It? Wednesdays Page.

On to this week's link up! CDs/DVDs- It's your turn!

Do you have a great idea or post that you can share using CDs or DVDs? If so, please join in linking up!

Here are the rules:

1) The post MUST use CDs or DVDs

2) The post MUST be family friendly.

There are no other requirements. If you would like, I would love if you linked back to his linky party, but it is not required. I would hope that you will investigate the links shared and visit some of the other blogs, but I'm not imposing any "blog hop/linky" rules. Please, if you do find great ideas and photos... Give credit where credit is due :).

If you have been featured and feel inclined, my featured button is available to grab from the sidebar.

Next week, I will feature my favorite link up and I'll be posting about cylindrical food containers like: oatmeal/pringles, etc ! Hopefully, I'll be on time!


Thank you for these ideas for CD's. They are great, and catch the light so well.
cara said…
I never would have thought to reuse cd's. My husband has many on his desk. I will put together a little arts and crafts activity with all of my homeschool supplies tomorrow. Thanks!
Anonymous said…
How are the acrylic/glitter cds made? A salad spinner?

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