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What Would You Do With It? Wednesdays: Oatmeal/Pringles/Cylindrical Containers

Welcome to this week's edition of What Would You Do With It? Wednesday. This week we are featuring cylindrical oatmeal containers.

Valerie from over at Frugal Family Fun Blog shares another pure genius idea for a great "Cat in the Hat" hat made with an oatmeal canister!

Scott over at Brick by Brick shares this fantastic idea for marble painting for two! This simple idea promotes cooperation and it looks like it would be loads of fun!

I found this great tutorial for a cradle made from an oatmeal canister for dolls over at Artists Helping Children.

I don't have any photos to share, but we have made ours into drums, banks, and we have even set them up to practice our weaving.

Last week's challenge was to use CDs/DVDs. I'm still looking for some ideas! If you have one, hop on over and link up!

Quirky Momma shared a great building idea using the cases from CDs and DVDs! Look at this great tower:

For the full list of previously posted items and upcoming challenges, visit the What Would You Do With It? Wednesdays Page.

On to this week's link up! Cylindrical Oatmeal Containers(or something similar like bulk hot chocolate, etc)- It's your turn!

Do you have a great idea or post that you can share using oatmeal conatiners? If so, please join in linking up!

Here are the rules:

1) The post MUST use a cylindrical oatmeal container (or something very similar)

2) The post MUST be family friendly.

There are no other requirements. If you would like, I would love if you linked back to his linky party, but it is not required. I would hope that you will investigate the links shared and visit some of the other blogs, but I'm not imposing any "blog hop/linky" rules. Please, if you do find great ideas and photos... Give credit where credit is due :).

If you have been featured and feel inclined, my featured button is available to grab from the sidebar.

Next week, I will feature my favorite link up and I'll be posting about metal coffee cans! Look for the post late on Wednesday night next week, as I will be on the road for the MiAEYC Conference in Grand Rapids!


Sarah said…
i cant wait to see what people post about the pringle containers!!! I have so many and dont know what to do with them. We have already made shakers and rain sticks.
Anonymous said…
Haven't emptied an oatmeal container in a really long time. Rats. But I LOVE that little cradle idea. So clever and cute!
Sarah - We have used ours for rainsticks, shakers, and kaledioscopes. I've also used them to store a lot of things in. I bet they would make great logs in the block/building area. I'll see what else I can come up with!

Abbie- we eat a lot of oatmeal here! The children have told me on many occasions that I make the best, so we usually eat it at least once a week :).
Ticia said…
Oh man, and I think I just threw out that oatmeal like container because I'm trying to get organized, and that oatmeal cradle would be a big hit here with somebody in my house. I'm not sure which kid though. I'll have to see if I can dig it up again.

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