I almost forgot this morning that it was Wednesday! With the long holiday weekend, I'm having trouble keeping my days straight! With that in mind, my photo of plastic bottles today is a little weak! (I store my bottles in the basement, and well, I didn't have time this morning to go down and get a good photo!) The bottles in this picture are not the ones we typically use. (In Michigan, any bottle that had carbonated beverages in it has a $0.10 deposit on it. We typically return all of these bottles and use water/juice/sports drink bottles for our projects, but you get the idea!)
Here are a few things we have made out of plastic bottles:
Windsock spinners:
This was inspired by Family Fun. We opted to make ours into windsocks instead of staked spinners. We used sun catcher paint and a variety of other collage materials to decorate our bottles: (This one is made with a gatorade bottle).
We also made spinners by covering a bottle with colored duct tape and then cutting lines down the side:
(If you would like this blog hop list to show up on your blog, make sure to get the code from Linky and embed it on your page.)
If you are interested in the previous Wednesdays, please click here! (Note, if you share an idea on Facebook, I update the posts to add those suggestions!)
I really love what you have done with these bottles! I love blogging friends, you guys have so many neat ideas for me to copy cat! :D
Take care!
Sugar, spice & Monkey Tales!