He provides our "muscle" when Dane and I have BIG ideas.... Like moving lots of sand from our sandbox to make a HUGE volcano.
He's often the man behind the camera (fortunately, we have a couple of them so I can catch him in photos once and awhile!) He is great at making sure to capture great moments on film so that we can remember them and use them in later lessons. In this photo, we were visiting the butterfly house and were able to identify a number of different butterflies after our visit.
He's always right there when it comes time to explore, and to help answer as many questions as Dane can ask.
He helps keep learning fun, being silly, and lets his "inner child" out.
He definitely keeps our world going! I know that I wouldn't be able to do nearly half of what I do without him here to support me!

We certainly make a great team!
This year, Dane has decided to add Art History to his list of subjects. We believe that the world is a classroom, and we don't have a "school year." Every day offers an opportunity to learn and to grow, and everyone is both a student and a teacher. We do try to incorporate some structure to our learning experiences. These are Dane's current interests:
Mondays: Social Science- Dane wants to learn more about pirates. Allan is helping him learn about real treasure hunters, learning about geography and history at the same time. Of course, following maps, playing dress up, and learning all about boats will be part of the exploration.
Tuesdays: Science - Dane is really interested in learning more about explosions. We will be doing a lot of experiments and learning about chemistry. Making giant volcanoes and geysers have been some of our recent projects. This is more my area of expertise, but Allan will be helping out too.
Wednesdays: Danish - Allan is originally from Danmark, and every Wednesday Dane is learning more about Danmark not limited to but including: customs, traditions, cooking, language, songs, games, etc.
Thursdays: Art History- We are expanding Dane's love of art to include viewing some of the great works of art throughout history. We are following a little bit of a time-line, and being that this is a new interest have recently looked at cave paintings.
Fridays: Math- Dane loves math, and we are working on a variety of different topics. His favorite is working with money.
We read every day. Right now, Dane's favorite series are the Magic Treehouse books. Every night before bed we read a chapter or two. We take turns who reads a page. Allan has also been reading him a book in Danish every night before bed, and translating it as we go along.
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