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A Sticky Web... And Yes, Gravity Works!

I found yet another wonderful idea in the book Do It Yourself Early Learning. While the children we playing, I took a role of masking tape and I started to make a web with it. (The book recommends a doorway, but I wanted to make something bigger, so I chose a large area near our entry.)
"Ms. Amy, what are you doing?"

"I'm building a web."

"Can I touch it?"

"Yes, you can."

"It's sticky"

"Yes, it is sticky. Do you think that you could find some things to stick to it?"

"Like bugs?"

"Sure, like bugs. What do you think you could find that would be kind of like bugs??"

We tried a lot of different toys and things we found in our toy room. Some of them stayed "stuck in the web," and some of them fell to the floor.

Some of us played for quite some time, adding new toys and trying some of the same ones again and again......

Eventually, the web was so filled with toys that it could no longer support the weight, and some of the pieces of the web fell to the floor.

Proving once again.. "Gravity Works!"
(on a side note, as I was uploading photos I noticed that Almost Unschoolers tried a web too! Their creation was slightly different and involved using cotton balls. I think we will be trying that soon!)

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I like the size of this one. My kids wanted to stick random toys to their web, too - but I managed to hold them off just long enough to get out the cotton balls :)
This looks like fun! Thanks for your visit and comment on my "I will Survive homeschool" post. I am your newest follower! Follow me back if you haven't already done so :)

Have a good weekend!
Tracy at "A Slice of Smith Life"
Unknown said…
That is such a neat idea! My kids would love it!
Thanks for the idea!!
Thanks for linking up at Home Grown Families Friday Blog Hop! We're following you now!
Anne said…
Looks like lots of fun! I can see my son wanting to do it to his whole room!

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